Sunday 25 September 2011

Port Isaac to Padstow - 12 miles

OK, for the last few walks I've done I've only posted a few photos - that's because I've been such a tired little collie dog that I've been too exhausted to do much else.

Looking back towards Port Isaac
 However, today I've walked all the way from Port Isaac to Rock.  If I'm following the SWCP official walks I should really have ended up in Padstow - but the logistics of getting a ferry across the estuary and parking the car, etc, etc meant that I didn't.  It was much easier for my owner to park her car at Rock (£4 for a days parking in the beach car park) and then get her friend to drive her to Port Isaac.

Looking towards 'Doc Martin's' house
 Port Isaac is a lovely little village and I was hoping I could get photographed in front of 'Doc Martins' house.  Unfortunately Ann said we were 'on a walk' and weren't going to do 'tourist things'.  However she did take a photo of it from the other side of the cove. 

The first part of the walk was really quite hard.  It was a lovely day but we've had a lot of rain recently so a lot of the path was muddy.  Also the first part of the walk was very up and down.  Ann was taking ages.  I kept running to the top/bottom of cliffs and then I couldn't see where she was so I had to keep running back to check that she was coming.  Sometimes humans are soooo slow.

It was a lovely day.  Ann was a bit worried because when we were in the car, listening to the radio, the weather forecast kept saying that rain would be in Cornwall at lunchtime for the rest of the day.  However it was brilliant weather for the whole of the walk.  Ann had her waterproof trousers and anorak in her bag and she started the walk wearing her 'thin with all the warmth top' that she bought from 'Mountain Warehouse' - well she had to take that off after 10 mins.

There were quite a few streams between Rock & Polzeath that I was able to wallow in to keep cool and have drinks from so Ann was able to have most of her water for herself.  However when we got to Polzeath we stopped at a cafe called 'Cafe India'.  Ann had a coffee and she gave me some water in my super duper travel water bowl.  We sat in the cafe for about 20 mins and watched the surfers on Polzeath Beach. 

Looking towards Polzeath Beach

Polzeath Beach is only about 3 miles from Rock so the remainder of our walk was really easy.  It was pretty much on the flat on a very good path and then when we got to about a mile from Rock I was allowed to go down onto a really big beach and walk the remainder of the walk there.  It was really busy - there were loads of people on this bit of the walk.

Our walk today took us exactly 5 hours, including our coffee stop.  Ann's friend, Jane, dropped us off at Port Isaac at 10.30am and we arrived back at our car in Rock at 3.30pm precisely.

I've had a lovely day but now I'm a very tired little collie dog.

You can view more photos of my walk below:

Need to relax

I've a long way to go.

Look how far I've walked.

That looks like a nice beach to play on.

Still got a long way to go.
Add caption
That looks like a good beach to play on
Almost at the end of my walk - what a great beach.

Look how far I've come.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Monday 12 September 2011