Friday 11 June 2010

Lamorna to Penzance - 6 miles

I always enjoy my walks along the SWCP but this walk was one of my least favourites so far because I was only allowed off my lead for 45 mins and the walk took us 3 hours.

We paid £5.30 to park the car all day in Penzance as we didn't know how long our walk would take. Then we had to get a bus from Penzance to Lamorna - £3.20 for Ann this time. I was ever such a good girl at the bus station. We had to wait about 20 mins and I just sat patiently watching the buses coming and going. I didn't bark at them and there were loads of people waiting who kept looking at me. I could tell they thought I was a perfect pooch and Ann was really proud of me.

When we got to Lamorna we had to walk down the same little road that we had when we walked to Sennen Cove. I had a poo in exactly the same spot as I did the last time and Ann was pleased with me because she knew there was a bin at the start of our walk. She likes it when I have a poo near a bin. She says one of the most unpleasant aspects of our walk is when I have a poo right in the middle of the coastal path and then she ends up carrying it for miles!

Once we reached Lamorna Cove I was allowed off my lead. This part of the coastal path was quite rocky and for 45 mins I had great fun - I wallowed in rock pools, there were a couple of streams for me to splash in and have a drink out of, I rolled in long grass and I trotted along the path admiring the view. However just as I was thinking what a lovely time I was having, the coastal path met a little road which took us down into Mousehole and I had to go back on my lead. From there all the way back to Penzance I had to stay on my lead because we were walking along the road for most of the way. We walked through Newlyn which was quite interesting because we saw lots of lovely shops selling fresh fish. When we got to Penzance we walked along the promenade and I was desperate to go off my lead and play with some of the other doggies who were having a walk. Ann said she wasn't sure if she could trust me. The road was on one side of the prom and she thought I might chase buses if I was off my lead and the sea was at the other side and as dogs aren't allowed on the beach she said she couldn't trust me not to go swimming.

We didn't meet many people on our walk today. There were a lot of people sitting on seats along the promenade in Penzance because it was a lovely sunny day but between Lamorna & Mousehole we hardly saw anyone.

We had lunch at a little cafe in Mousehole. It was quite busy and Ann told me I had to be on my best behaviour. I immediately lay down under a seat while Ann went inside to get a cheese & onion pasty for her lunch. She was so pleased with me that she let me have a little bit of the filling. She said I couldn't have any of the pastry because pastry is bad for doggies. It smelt very yummy though.

Our walk today was only 6 miles and it only took us 3 hours from getting off the bus till we got back to the car, including stopping for lunch but I'm still quite a tired little collie dog now. However I think I've got enough energy left to go to the pub with Ann. She says we're off to meet the girlies now for a few glasses of wine in the sunshine. I can't wait!!

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