Tuesday 28 June 2011

Clovelly to Hartland Quay - 10 miles

After yesterdays hard walk, todays walk was easy peasy.  A lot of it involved walking along the top of high cliffs, although there were still about 5 steep up and down bits.  Also it was a lovely sunny day so we could see for miles.

The only problem with this walk was that it was very hot and there wasn't really a lot of places for me to have a drink so Ann had to share her water with me. 

Also there were a few places where I had to go on my lead because there were sheep about and I can't be trusted not to go chasing.

We stopped for lunch at a little kiosk cafe at Hartland Point.  Ann had a ham & cheese sandwich and she gave me a little bit and I had a big drink of water in my super duper travel bowl.

Hartland Point

It was a lovely walk today though 25 miles in two days is hard going - even for a super fit collie like me!

Monday 27 June 2011

Bude to Hartland Quay - 15 miles

This walk is described on the official SWCP website as being the most severe section of the entire coastal path.  .......................... And severe it was.

We parked Angela's car in Bude and started our walk at about 10am and we didn't get to Hartland Quay until after 8pm.  We stopped for about 1 hour altogether so today we have done more than 9 hours of walking.  I am a very, very tired little collie dog now.

The walk went constantly up and down some very, very steep ascents and descents.  It was quite hot but it was very misty so for most of the walk we couldn't really see where we were going.  In fact the sun didn't come out until 9pm when we'd finished our walk.