Tuesday 28 June 2011

Clovelly to Hartland Quay - 10 miles

After yesterdays hard walk, todays walk was easy peasy.  A lot of it involved walking along the top of high cliffs, although there were still about 5 steep up and down bits.  Also it was a lovely sunny day so we could see for miles.

The only problem with this walk was that it was very hot and there wasn't really a lot of places for me to have a drink so Ann had to share her water with me. 

Also there were a few places where I had to go on my lead because there were sheep about and I can't be trusted not to go chasing.

We stopped for lunch at a little kiosk cafe at Hartland Point.  Ann had a ham & cheese sandwich and she gave me a little bit and I had a big drink of water in my super duper travel bowl.

Hartland Point

It was a lovely walk today though 25 miles in two days is hard going - even for a super fit collie like me!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those hills look enough to make/ keep anyone fit. Anne must have strong calf muscles.
