Sunday 6 November 2011

Place to Portscatho - 6 miles

What a beautiful sunny warm November day for a walk.  The official SWCP walk should have been from Falmouth to Portloe.  Well that would have meant taking two ferries and as the ferry from St Mawes to Place doesn't run in the winter we thought we might as well start the walk at Place.  And anyway ferries don't count as walks.

Today's walk was easy.  It was described as being easy to strenuous but we can only think that the strenuous bit is the 8 miles from Portscatho to Portloe.

We passed a couple of really nice beaches where I had a lovely play and a swim about in the sea. 

The only trouble with this walk was .................. there wasn't many streams for me to have a drink out of and because it was a relatively short walk Ann hadn't brought any water for me.  However we had lunch in the 'Plume of Feathers' at Portscatho so I was able to have a drink there. 

I've had a lovely day. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you've been out enjoying the beautiful autumnal weather. I am not sure if I would call 8 miles an easy walk but I guess that is something I should address next year (New Year's resolution)? Mmmm. Maybe not.
