Thursday 21 June 2012

Exmouth to Sidmouth - 13 miles

Soggy collie
Even in the rain the views are lovely
Everywhere is overgrown and wet
What a horrible walk.  13 miles walked in the rain.  When we left Sidmouth it was a little bit dull but it wasn't raining.  Got the bus to Exmouth and about half way through the journey it started to rain.  By the time we got off the bus in the centre of Exmouth it was pouring.  Headed for the sea to find the start of the coastal walk and by the time we had walked for half an hour we were soaked through and hadn't even left Exmouth.  Went into a dog friendly cafe on the promenade to shelter from the rain.  There were loads of other dog walkers in there.  Ann had a coffee and I lay sensibly under the table.  The rain didn't stop though so we set off on our walk.

The rain didn't stop all day.  The only good thing about this walk was that it wasn't too strenuous.  By the time we got to Budleigh Salterton Ann wondered if she should give up and just get the bus back to Sidmouth.  But the buses only run once an hour and we were both so wet that she would have been embarrassed to get on a bus.  I was a very wet stinky collie.  Ann also kept wittering on that she had trench foot.  Her walking boots had let in loads of water.

Then we had to walk through some woods.  Half way through there was some tape across the path and a sign that said 'NO ENTRY'.  Well it was so wet, and also there were no diversion signs, that we just went under the tape and carried on along a really, really, really muddy path.  And then we discovered that tree cutters were actually cutting down huge trees.  We saw them all looking at us but we just ignored them and walked faster.

Todays walk was horrible.  The only consolation is - we've completed 50 miles in the last four days. 

Only another 60 miles of the SWCP to walk and then we'll have walked the whole 630 miles - YAY!

Almost back at Sidmouth.  Thank goodness!

It's a bit wet on this walk
Sidmouth in the distance

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