Sunday 29 August 2010

Zennor to St Ives - 6 miles

Today I've been for a really lovely walk with my friends Doug & Dave, the Jack Russells, and Ann's friend Bev. Ann drove us to Zennor for the start of our walk. She thought she was being quite clever to do it this way round. Doug & Dave are a bit naughty in the car and jump around all over the place so Ann thought it was better if they did jumping around when they were clean. Bev drove us back to Zennor at the end of our walk so Ann could pick up her car. As usual I was extremely well behaved in the car.

It was a hard walk today. At least it was hard for the humans - us doggies had such fun. I was allowed off my lead straight away and I didn't have to go back on it until we got to St Ives. Dave had to stay on his lead while we walked down a little lane to the start of our walk 'cos he can sometimes be a bit disobedient and go running off. Ann was busy chatting to Bev and telling her what a good girl I was and how I would never go running off so that I got completely lost. Dave was giving me the 'evils' as if to say 'what a goody twoshoes you are'. So I decided I'd show him just how rebellious I could be. We were walking past a big house with a pond in the garden so I ran in, jumped in the pond and had a good old wallow about. Ann was shouting at me but I ignored her. I emerged covered in green algae stuff. There were loads of people about and they all laughed at me. But I didn't care. I'd shown Dave just how naughty I could be and I think he respected me a bit more after that.

We started our walk at 12pm and got back to St Ives at about 3.30pm. Ann and Bev were really pleased 'cos they'd thought it would take more than 4 hours. There were loads of people out walking today, probably as it was such a lovely day. However, we did have a very irritating couple of spaniels following us for the first part of our walk. One of them was continually barking, for absolutely no reason which disturbed the peace and beauty of the dramatic scenery. Fortunately when we stopped for lunch at about 1.30pm they passed us and we didn't see them again.

Our lunch stop was great. We stopped by a little stream so that we could have a play. Ann had made big egg mayonnaise baguettes for lunch so I went and sat beside Bev. I love Bev because when we go to the pub she buys us packets of crisps and if we go out for the day she normally brings 'mystery bags' for us. 'Mystery bags' usually have little cocktail sausages in them. Ann doesn't give me anywhere near the number of treats Doug & Dave get so I thought I'd get loads if I sat by Bev. I did get a little bit but Bev was cross with me 'cos I was wet and smelly and was constantly nudging her. Ann said I was a greedy fatty and I should have eaten my breakfast. But then I think Ann felt a bit sorry for me so she gave me the last bit of her baguette but it fell down a hole under a rock and I couldn't get it out.

This section of the coastal path is one of the hardest sections of the entire walk. We had to clamber over loads of rocks, the path went down and up loads of times and in places it was also very muddy. Having said that we met one woman who was dressed in a skirt and sandals and another that had her handbag with her. I bet the rescue services get really annoyed when they get called out to help people who clearly have not thought about being equipped and dressed appropriately.
There was loads of streams for us doggies to drink out of today. There was also at least three lots of mud for me to wallow in. Bev thought it was really funny the way I can stiff out all the mud that is suitable for wallowing in. At least she did until Ann pointed out we were going back to Zennor in her car! But there was also loads of lovely streams for me to get clean in and Ann knew that when we got to Clodgy just before St Ives I would go in the rock pools to get clean. Doug rolled in something (we don't know what) and he absolutely stunk!
Todays walk has been great. I've had such a good time with my friends. Now I've had my dinner and am having a snooze. Ann thinks she will ache tomorrow because we've done so much clambering over big rocks and walking up and down. But what a lovely way to spend a Sunday - much better than watching the omnibus of East Enders?! I can't wait to do another section of the SWCP. I think we might be doing Newquay to Perranporth next.

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