Friday 7 January 2011

Brixham to Torquay - 9 miles

Brixham Harbour
Yesterday we didn't do a walk because it poured with rain all day.  However today we decided to walk from Brixham to Torquay.  It was rainning quite hard when I had a little walk first thing this morning but by the time I'd finished breakfast it was looking brighter so we felt a bit more optimistic that we wouldn't get soaked.

We got the number 12 bus at 9.45am which took us all the way to Brixham in about 35 mins.  It cost £3.30 for Ann & 50p for me.

Fun in the woods
Our walk today took us exactly 3 hours and was an easy walk, at least it would have been if it hadn't been so wet.  As soon as we got past Brixham harbour I was allowed off my lead and I didn't have to go back on it until we got to Paignton.  The first part of the walk was lovely.  We were walking through woods and I had ever such a good time running about and sniffing all the new smells.  The only trouble was the path was really muddy so I got ever so dirty.  However there were lots of little coves and beaches on this walk so I was able to go swimming every so often to get clean. 

Even though it wasn't raining on the first part of our walk the views weren't that great.  It was quite misty so we couldn't really see Torquay that well.  The views would have been stunning if the sun had been shining.  This section of the SWCP is quite heavily populated and we met lots of other people who were walking their dogs - but I bet none of them were going as far as me.

Soggy doggie - on the way to Paignton
We were just thinking how lucky we were that it wasn't raining when guess what?  It started to absolutely pour down with rain.  Ann was quite cross because she knew there were lots of little cafes & pubs on Paignton sea front and she'd thought we could maybe stop at one for some lunch.  By the time we got to Paignton though we were both soaked through and no way did Ann want to take off all her wet clothes just to put them back on again.  So we decided we'd just keep walking as Paignton is only about 2 - 3 miles from Torquay and we knew it wouldn't take us very long.  Also when we got to Paignton I had to go back on my lead because the SWCP goes along the main road into Torquay.  I was a very good girl today, I walked sensibly on my lead and only barked at two buses even though we saw loads.

Soggy Doggie in Paignton
Todays walk was lovely and I really enjoyed it.  Ann was very pleased with my behaviour today so I'm a happy hound.

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