Wednesday 5 January 2011

Starcross to Teignmouth - 8 miles

It was raining today when we got up today but Ann said we were on a walking holiday, so walk we would do!

We drove to Teignmouth and managed to park in a car park where it only cost us £1.10 for the whole day.  Then we had to have a wander around to find our bus stop.  We got the No. 2 bus to Starcross at 9.33am.  It cost us £4.30 - £3.80 for Ann and 50p for me.  It was a big double decker bus but there was hardly any one on it.  It took us about 30 mins to get to Starcross.

I have to say this was not one of my most favourite walks.  Firstly, it was raining for the whole walk so I ended up soaking wet.  Secondly, I had to stay on my lead for the whole walk.  A lot of the time I was walking along roads and when I wasn't walking along roads I was walking along the path by the railway and there were signs saying that doggies had to be kept on their leads.

If the weather had been better we're sure we would have had lovely views over to Exmouth and also down the coast towards Teignmouth.  But it rained constantly, it was quite misty at times, the sea was very choppy and no-one else was stupid enough to be walking about.  Also because it was so wet Ann couldn't get her camera out and take photos so we've only got one.

It took us 2 hours & 40 mins to do this walk.  If it had been a nice day we could have stopped for a coffee in Dawlish or had a wander around Teignmouth at the end of our walk.  It was an easy walk (or would have been if it hadn't been raining the whole time), the whole walk was pretty much on the flat.  I think we only walked up and down one hill in the whole of the walk.

Anyway, that's another 8 miles of the SWCP walked.  Let's hope my next two days of walking are better?!

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