Saturday 5 February 2011

Braunton to Instow - 13 miles

On the Tarka Trail
Today’s walk was so, so much easier than yesterdays.  Originally we thought we might walk from Combe Martin to Woolacombe but as that part of the SWCP is described as moderate to strenuous we decided against it.  At least Ann decided against it.  She said she couldn’t cope with another day of hard walking.  Instead we walked along the Tarka Trail from Braunton to Instow which was easy peasy.

Ann parked her car (for free) by the beach in Instow and then Angela drove us to Braunton where we also parked for free – one of the advantages of doing our walks out of season.  When walking with friends, Ann prefers us to be the driver at the end of the walk because she says I often stink.  I suppose I do have a habit of wallowing in mud and swimming in every bit of water I can find.  I’m ever such a good girl if I have to go in some one else’s car – I just sit by Ann’s feet in the foot well.  But in my own car the boot is all kitted out for me with towels, etc, so Ann doesn’t mind how muddy I get.
This walk wasn’t as exciting as yesterdays walk for me – there were no pheasants to chase.  But compared to yesterday, this walk was like a stroll in the park!  Because the Tarka Trail (which is part of the SWCP) follows what used to be a railway line around the coast it was all very flat.  No hills at all which I have to say pleased Ann.  The only problem with this walk was that it was very, very windy, but compared to the strenuous ups and downs of yesterday, it wasn’t a problem at all.
The never ending road!
We had to walk up one side of the River Taw to Barnstaple and then back down the other side to Instow.  I was off my lead for most of the way although when we got to the section around Barnstaple, Ann said I had to go on my lead just to be on the safe side.  I didn’t do anything naughty on this walk.  Well, actually there wasn’t any opportunity for me to do anything naughty?!
As far as walks go it was pretty boring as far as I was concerned – walking along an old railway route doesn’t leave much room for deviation.
Also it was a pretty dismal day.  It didn’t rain but the sun never shone.  We think the views would have been so much better if it had been a nice day.  However, I’ve had another lovely day.  Our walk today took us about 5 hours and now I’m very tired.

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