Monday 7 February 2011

Westward Ho to Instow - 11 miles

I’ve had another lovely walk today – in the sunshine and pretty much on the flat.  When Ann took me for a little walk around the block before breakfast she wasn’t very happy.  It was raining, windy and generally felt rather cold.  ......But she was determined to do this walk come rain or shine, so I’d resigned myself to the fact that I was going to be a soggy doggie today.

Ann left her car in Instow for free and then Angela parked hers (£2.50 for the day) at Westward Ho.  Angela had worked out what direction the wind would be blowing so thought that we’d be best walking from Westward Ho rather than vice versa.  It was raining a lot when we were in the car however by the time we’d driven to Instow and then back to Westward Ho it had stopped.  In fact today turned out to be the best day of the whole weekend. 
On the beach at Westward Ho
I've found a tennis ball
First we had to walk round the Royal North Devon Golf Club and Northam Burrows Country Park.  Almost as soon as I got let off my lead I found a tennis ball.  Ann said she wasn’t going to throw it for me but I knew if I did my ‘appealing look’ Angela would.  I had about an hour and a half playing with it.  I was zooming about all over.  It was such fun.  But then we had to walk along a road into Appledore.  I had to go on my lead.  Ann said I could carry the ball if I wanted to keep it.  However, I accidently dropped it and I wasn’t allowed to go back for it, so that was the end of that. 
Me - in Bideford
Once we got through Appledore I was allowed to go off lead again as the coastal path went down by the Torridge Estuary and then up a little hill and through woods.  However once we got to the outskirts of Bideford I had to go back on my lead.  In fact I had to stay on my lead all the way from Bideford back to Instow.  On this section we were back on the Tarka Trail again but the path was running parallel to a very busy road so Ann said just to be on the safe side I had to stay on my lead. 
Today’s walk took us just under 5 hours.
Almost at the end of 50 miles walking
It’s been lovely having Angela walking with us.  It’s so much easier when we don’t have to get public transport to the start of our walks. 
Also ‘Sundene House’ has to be the best B&B in the world.  I’ve had a lovely time here.  I’m not sure what section of the SWCP we’ll be walking next.  I know I’m a super fit collie but 50 miles of walking in just four days is tiring even for me!

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