Wednesday 28 April 2010

Hayle to Portreath - 12 miles

Well we did it - we walked from Hayle to Portreath. We started off from Hayle at 8.30am. Ann was so pleased with me 'cos I had the most enormous poo just before we went on the beach. She was able to pick it up and throw it in the bin. Much, much better than having to put it in the rucksack with our sandwiches?! We started our walk with a trek along 3 miles of beach. Ann told me we were walking for 12 miles so I had to pace myself but I didn't understand what she meant. So I went running off to chase surfers, wind surfers and birds. I went swimming, I played with other dogs, I sniffed around in the dunes for rabbits & I had a lovely time.

By 10.30am we were on the cliffs at Godrevy. I was a naughtly little collie dog cos I was running near the edge of the cliffs. Ann told me that if I didn't walk beside her she'd put me on my lead. But I have a very good sense of height and I knew I wasn't going to fall over. We saw loads of seals on a beach at the bottom of the cliffs. I was really tempted to chase them but I knew they were too far down for me to get to them.

We thought about stopping at the 'Hells Mouth' cafe for a cup of coffee but Ann said we'd find a seat soon and stop there - we didn't find a seat? We walked for about another hour and didn't find anywhere to sit down so eventually we sat on a stile and I had a drink of water. Ann has promised me she will buy me a proper foldable dog bowl for the next time we go walking. I had to drink out of this stupid plastic thing that she had brought for me. I finished my drink and it blew away in the wind, Ann stepped on it to stop it blowing away and cracked it so then it wouldn't hold any more water and I was really thirsty. Fortunately we had come to a part of the walk where we had to go down two very steep hills and up the other side and there were streams at the bottom of both of them. I wallowed in both & had a drink - it was such fun!

Ann put me on my lead for part of the walk after 'Hells Mouth'. She said she could hear sheep baa-ing and I couldn't be trusted. The sheep were miles away, they weren't running & I wasn't interested in them cos by that time I was tired. Ann let me off my lead when we were passing the last field of sheep to see if I behaved myself. I did. I looked at them and decided that my walk was more exciting than trying to chase them. Ann was very, very pleased with me and told me I was the best collie ever.

We arrived in Portreath at 12.30pm and Ann was really pleased. She said we could have our picnic and then get the bus home just after 1pm. I got a couple of bits of tuna fish sandwich - I knew Ann would give me some titbits. Unfortunately Ann had read the bus timetable wrong - the buses home run every couple of hours but miss out the lunchtime service so we had to wait until 3pm for our bus. The shops in Portreath close for lunch so we couldn't buy any magazines and I wasn't allowed on the beach. Fortunately it was sunny so we lay on a bench above the beach like an old tramp. Ann kept asking me if we should go to one of the many pubs - at least three in such a tiny village?? - for a glass of wine but we decided against it. Then she said she'd have a tub of ice cream from the ice cream van so that she could use the tub to put some water in for me - but the ice cream van only sold cones. However she did take me to the stream and let me have a fantastic wallow in it and a drink.

Unfortunately when I got on the bus I was a bit wet and smelly. It was scarey getting on the bus but Ann didn't have to pay for me as apparently dogs travel free & there was only two other people sitting downstairs. One was a very nice girl in her 20's who told me I was cute, the other was an old hippy man with a massive rucksack. Strangely I quite liked the hippy but when he asked Ann to join him for a drink in St Ives she declined.

So we arrived home within about half an hour (I'm sure the bus wasn't sticking to it's timetable), I've had dinner & have been asleep on the sun terrace for the last couple of hours and Ann's had a shower and is now drinking a large glass of white wine.

We've had a lovely day & I'm looking forward to doing more of the South West Coastal Path.

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