Friday 30 April 2010

Hayle to St Ives - 6 miles

We weren't going to walk any more of the SWCP today because it was a bit overcast and dull and we thought it might rain. However,Uncle Christian, my dog sitter, phoned to ask if I'd enjoyed my walk on Wednesday and he said he was going to 'Hayle' this afternoon so I asked him if we could have a lift. Ann said she didn't want to walk too far 'cos she'd already swam 50 lengths of the swimming pool as well as taking me out for my morning walk. I knew she would take me somewhere in the afternoon but I managed to persuade her (by sitting by her feet and gazing at her with my big brown eyes) that six miles from Hayle to St Ives wasn't really very far. Uncle Christian said he would pick us up at 1.30pm. Ann said it would only be a couple of hours walk so we didn't need to take any snacks or water. Also she hasn't bought me a fold able water bowl yet.

Then at 1pm - disaster. Uncle Christian phoned and said he couldn't give us a lift after all. I was so disappointed. Ann said we could go and play on the beach instead as today is the last day that doggies are allowed on St Ives beaches until October. Again I tried my 'persuasive technique' and sat in front of her looking all sad and miserable. It worked! She said we could get the bus from St Ives to Hayle at 1.53pm and walk back. I was so happy I ran to the front door.

However I was not a very well behaved collie at the bus station. Firstly, the man who directs the buses into the bus station tried to make friends with me. I wasn't having any of it - I thought he was scary though Ann said that he liked me. I cowered away from him when he tried to stroke me and then when he went into the waiting room I barked at him. Secondly, our bus was 10 mins late so it arrived with another bus and I went mad. I started pulling on my lead 'cos I just wanted to get away from those horrible big buses. Somehow I escaped out of my collar and ran into the road. I was so surprised that I just stood there so that Ann could capture me and put my collar back on. There were loads of people in the bus station watching me. Some laughed at me, some thought I was a badly behaved dog and some thought I was really frightened. Ann made me sit down and then she cuddled me until everyone else had got on the buses. Once I got onto the bus I was the most perfect pooch ever. I immediately lay down under the seat and stayed there until we got off, even when someone came and sat next to us I didn't move. It cost us £3.65 to go from St Ives to Hayle. £3.00 for Ann and 65p for a 'Dog Day Rider' ticket for me. I think that means I can travel around on 'First Devon & Cornwall' buses all day for 65p - bargain.

So, we eventually got to start our walk from Hayle at 2.20pm. First, I had to stay on my lead because we were walking by the main road. However when we got to the 'South Quay' I was allowed to go off lead, run & swim. I stayed off my lead until we got to the 'Tempest' building. Walking along the 'Causeway' on the pavement wasn't very exciting because loads of cars were whizzing past us. And then from the 'Quay Inn' to 'Scarlets' we had to walk on the road 'cos there was no pavement. It wasn't very far (I think only 3 cars passed us) but Ann kept telling me to stay close. She said she didn't want me to end up squashed but the cars were giving us a really wide berth. We walked through the housing estate at the 'Saltings' to get to the Park & Ride car park. The houses there seemed really nice though Ann said she could remember seeing the whole of that area flooded and she said there was no way she would buy a house there. From there we walked through 'Lelant' on a tiny road by the train track, across the golf course (the most westerly in Britain) and down onto 'Porth Kidney Sands'.

I love 'Porth Kidney Sands'. It's one of my favourite beaches and doggies can go on it all the year round. I've been there loads of times. Today the tide was out so we were able to walk right to the end and then climb up some rocks & steps and onto the coastal path to 'Carbis Bay'. I did a bit of swimming at the beginning in the 'Hayle Estuary' but when we got onto the main beach we were the only people there. It was fab. How many other doggies can say they have a whole massive beach all to themselves?

On the cliff path from 'Porth Kidney Sands' to 'Carbis Bay', a girl was jogging behind us with a 'Jack Russell'. When she saw me, she put him on his lead because she said he wasn't very friendly. I wasn't very interested in him anyway. I just let him pass & then chased him for a bit. Then he turned round and barked at me so I decided to do the mature thing and ignore him. Within minutes they were quite a distance away. Ann doesn't do jogging so I have to keep at her pace!

From 'Carbis Bay' to the 'Island in St Ives' I was on my lead again. Ann said this is probably one of the most 'built up' areas of the coastal trail. There again, we've not done Falmouth, Newquay or anywhere in Devon & Dorset yet. When I got to the end of 'Hain Walk' (just before going onto 'Porthminster Beach') Ann let me jump in the trough to cool down and have a drink. I love this trough. Every time I pass it I jump in and wallow.

We walked along the 'Wharf' which was quite busy with people and dogs and then I was allowed off my lead when we got to the 'Island'. From the 'Island' it was down onto 'Porthmeor Beach' (the last day I can play here until October) where I met the cutest puppy retiever (Ann said his owner wasn't too bad either). I had a really nice play with him. He was very speedy so I kept going into the sea to escape. His owner said he only went into to sea with him, so because he was so fast I kept going into the sea to 'recharge my batteries'. I can't remember what his name was but he was gorgeous! Though at only 5 months old I guess he's a bit young for me. He was very well behaved though. His owner was teaching him to respond to whistles.

So, after 'Porthmeor Beach' it was up the hill and home.

Our walk from Hayle took us 2 hours & 40 mins. Why it took us that long when a 12 mile trek from Hayle to Porthreath only took us 4 hours I don't know. But I've had a lovely afternoon. I've had my dinner and now I'm having a snooze in my bed.

I'm looking forward to whichever part of the South West Coastal Path we will be doing next.

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