Saturday 9 April 2011

Crackington Haven to Bude - 10 miles

What a lovely day for a walk.  The sun was shining, the sky was blue and there was a very slight breeze which made for very good walking conditions.

We parked our car in the long stay car park down by the beach at Bude (£4.80 for more than 4 hours) and then went in our friend Angela’s car to Crackington Haven (only £2 to park all day there). 
Ann always thinks it a good idea if we get into our car at the end of the walk because quite often I’m very muddy by then and at least the back of our car is kitted out for mucky pups!

At the start of the walk

Today’s walk is described on the official SWCP website as strenuous and while some parts of it were very definitely strenuous I would have said the majority of it was moderate.  However, the strenuous parts were very strenuous. There were some very steep cliff ascents and descents. I zoom up them really quickly but inevitably the humans take forever so I end up having to come back down again to see why they’re taking too long.  I think they’re just old and unfit?!

It's a long way down there!

I was able to stay off lead for most of this walk – we walked through two fields of sheep when I had to go back on my lead and also we had to walk along the road for a very short distance.  But apart from these two areas and a very small section of the path just outside Bude where there were signs saying that doggies had to stay on their leads I was allowed to run free. 
Because it was so hot the humans kept stopping for drinks, and also Angela had a new camera so she kept stopping to take photos.  To be honest I was quite glad of the rests because I was very hot.  Ann was glad that there were a lot of streams on this walk because she didn’t want to share her water with me.  However when we got to Widemouth Beach the humans stopped for an ice cream and because we weren’t near a stream at that point Ann gave me some of her water in my super duper travel water bowl – it tasted lovely – and I could see a spaniel watching me jealously?!
I’ve had a great time today and I only did one teeny weeny naughty thing.  We got back to Bude at the end of our walk and Ann told Angela that I never went into water without checking if I could get out or not – and then I jumped into the canal.  Well it was ever so hot and I need to cool down!  Unfortunately I hadn’t realised that the side of the canal didn’t have anything for me to grip on to get out.  Ann wasn’t worried about me – she just thought I’d swim to the other side, get out there & then race across the bridge and come back to her.  Angela however, panicked, lay down on her tummy on the path and pulled me out.  There were a few people giving her funny looks – but I guess it means she cares about me.
Anyway I’ve had a great time today.  I’m hoping my walk tomorrow will be just as fantastic.

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